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Be Prepared Not Scared: Savvy Saving Strategies for Emergencies

Emergencies happen: It’s a fact of life. Seasonal weather emergencies, unprecedented natural disasters and infrastructure failures are hard to fully predict. But resilient and savvy organizations can be better prepared for whatever comes their say by saving some money to help mitigate the costs of a disaster, including hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards and extreme heat waves. 

This week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) kicks off National Preparedness Month by encouraging individuals, communities and organizations to save in case of emergency. Tools like Regroup’s mass notification platform can help mitigate losses and recover faster when disaster strikes.

Mass notifications can be used to safely evacuate communities, institutions and organizations in a disaster, which saves lives. The communications tools can also be used for daily updates and to issue an all-clear once the danger has passed. 

Are you and your organization financially prepared for a natural disaster? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a guide on how to handle financial preparation for hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters. Learn more here

These are issues mass notification companies like Regroup are well-versed in. We help organizations — including university campuses, hospitals and enormous arenas — keep their staff, students, patients and all other stakeholders safe and informed. Our clients have been able to use our reliable cloud-based platform during recent events such as California’s Camp Fire as well as Hurricane Harvey. 

When it comes to financial preparedness, we are pleased to offer unlimited admins and flexible messaging to our clients. The last thing they should be thinking about when trying to evacuate a campus or stage a life-saving first-responder area is cost. 

Regroup also offers 24/7 support, ongoing training, easy onboarding and helpful and free resources. If you’d like to learn more, schedule a free customizable demo today

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