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Security Regroup

Regroup Mass Notification Now Offers Security and Risk Mitigation Services

Regroup Mass Notification, an industry-leading provider of emergency and day-to-day mass communication solutions, today announced it is launching a full suite of security and risk mitigation services designed to help organizations assess potential threats, plan for emergencies, and train employees for the best response.

This service addition comes after identifying a common set of needs among existing and prospective Regroup clients as they’re evaluating and implementing the company’s award-winning mass communication platform. With threats and vulnerabilities ranging from severe weather to violence in the workplace, and now COVID-19 health concerns for organizations of all sizes, the new services will offer a holistic approach to making Regroup clients safer and more prepared.

Regroup’s new services include:

  • Security Assessments
  • Risk Assessments
  • Emergency Management Plans
  • Workforce Training
  • Workplace Violence Mitigation

A new team of Regroup Security Advisors will provide detailed assessments, written plans, and training programs to existing and prospective clients. The team will be led by G. Michael Verden, Regroup’s Senior Security Advisor. Mr. Verden is a retired Secret Service agent, former Director of Security for the NBA, and Founder of the security consultancy firm, The Lake Forest Group.

“After over a decade of working with organizations of all sizes to improve their emergency communications, we’re excited to expand our services to more comprehensively help our clients mitigate risk and improve safety,” said Chris Utah, COO of Regroup Mass Notification. “Michael Verden and his team understand how to apply security best practices to our clients’ unique settings to safeguard people, property, and assets, making this a powerful partnership and addition to Regroup’s overall service offering.”