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How to Use a Mass Notification System to Reach Your People on Any Platform

Today’s workforce is mobile, virtual and always connected. They expect to be able to reach you wherever they are and on whichever device they choose to use at that particular moment. This creates a challenge for businesses that want to keep their team members informed of important updates or emergency situations.

A mass notification system can help you meet these needs by sending alerts to employees through the devices they use most. With a mass notification system in place, your company can alert employees about security threats, weather warnings, pandemic flu outbreak alerts, natural disasters or any other pertinent information you choose to implement. This article will introduce you to the benefits of using a mass notification system and give you insight into what systems are available and how they work.

Why Should You Use a Mass Notification System?

There are many benefits to using a mass notification system, including the ability to:

  • Increase employee productivity – Improve employee productivity by reducing distractions caused by unplanned interruptions or a lack of critical information. For example, a system can help protect your team against a data breach by notifying them of the event as soon as it happens.
  • Create a more consistent experience – Create a more consistent customer experience by sending the same or similar information to all customers at the same time instead of different groups receiving different information on different dates or at different times.
  • Minimize the risk of regulatory fines – Meet your regulatory compliance requirements and reduce the risk of regulatory fines or liabilities by alerting your team members about important updates like data breaches or critical security threats.
  • Improve brand awareness – Reach a larger audience and improve brand awareness by sending important updates to your customers and team members regarding new products, services or promotions.
  • Reduce the likelihood of accidents – Warn customers about dangerous situations and reduce the likelihood of accidents by alerting team members about pandemic flu outbreaks, natural disasters, weather alerts and other important updates.

Which Platforms Does a Mass Notification System Support?

The best mass notification system for your business will depend on the devices and systems you already use. Therefore, it’s important to choose a system that supports the channels you’re currently using to communicate with your team members. For example, if you primarily use Microsoft Teams to communicate with your remote employees, a system that supports Microsoft Teams, such as Regroup, is the best fit.

Or, if you primarily use email to send notifications to your team members, an email-based system is the best option for your business. In order to choose the best system for your business, you’ll need to know which platforms you currently use to communicate with your team members and which ones you plan to use in the future. A system like Regroup that supports several ways to send and receive messages across various different platforms would be the best choice.

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3 Best Practices for Using a Mass Notification System

When you’re ready to bring a mass notification system into your business, there are a few best practices that can help ensure the system is used most effectively. Be sure to incorporate these best practices into your business communications plan to get optimal results.

  1. Stay top of mind – When you’re ready to use a mass notification system, it’s important to give team members regular reminders about the system and how to use it.
  2. Use the system for routine messaging – It’s important to use your system for more than just critical updates. Mass notification is the perfect complement for day-to-day communications.
  3. Use your system like you would your phone – Although a mass notification system can be a great way to communicate important updates to your team members, it’s important to be mindful of message fatigue.

How to Choose the Right Mass Notification System for Your Business

Before you invest in a mass notification system, you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing the right solution for your organization’s unique needs. There are a few considerations to keep in mind to make sure you select the best system for your business.

  • Get a clear understanding of your business needs – Before you begin looking at systems, you’ll want to figure out exactly how your business needs the system to work.
  • Assess current and future communication channels – Once you know how you want the system to work, you’ll want to determine which channels you currently use and which ones you plan to use in the future.
  • Research what each system offers – Once you’ve identified the channels you want to use, you’ll want to research the different mass notification systems that support those channels.

Your Next Steps

A mass notification system can help you increase employee productivity, create a consistent experience for customers, improve brand awareness and reduce the likelihood of accidents or mitigate the emergencies when they occur. There are a few best practices you should follow when using a mass notification system, and you should make sure you choose the right system for your business. Now is the perfect time to book a free demo with Regroup to start exploring your options and invest in a system that can help your business communicate more effectively with its team members.

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