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Preparation Can Make Weathering an Emergency Easier

“Be prepared, not scared” is the apt theme for the 2019 National Preparedness Month. Making safe and sage decisions about keeping our people and property safe is best made in advance of any emergency — which, by definition catches us all at least a little off-guard and always in a rush. 

As a mass notification company devoted to keeping people safe and informed, this is a topic we at Regroup discuss every day. We would like to share just a taste of what we’ve learned to help you and your communities prepare in case of any emergency. The upside: Even when it’s not a life-threatening problem or extreme weather event, a touch of preparation can help in any situation. 

Four best practices

  • Come up with an evacuation plan: When there are regular (not flash) floods, hurricanes, extreme heat or cold, there is often enough prior knowledge to get you and your community out of harm’s way. Have a plan on where you will go and what you will need to ride out the storm safely and comfortably.
  • Get your financial affairs in order. You’ll be surprised at how many government organizations and even helpful nonprofits will need to see proof of address, insurance forms, prescription information and other details. Make copies and have them as part of your evacuation kit.
  • Snap photos of important documents to help you quickly file an insurance claim after a flood. Regroup enables your teams to coordinate their emergency response and even share documents when internal networks are down.
  • Make (or buy) an evacuation kit. We’ve created a helpful resource on how to assemble an evacuation kit. Evacuations are stressful enough without having basic necessities and also some comforts from home to make the evacuation go smoothly, even at work. There are companies that sell them — which makes it easy — but you can make your own with little effort. If you have children or pets, don’t forget to bring a little fun with you.

While all of these #BeReady tips are essential in an emergency, they are also useful every day. Power outages? Loss of internet or cell service in your area? A surprise accident or illness that catches your family or business off-guard? Being prepared, not scared, can help keep you, your community and loved ones safe, informed, and as comfortable as possible in any emergency. 

Plan ahead resources:

Can Regroup help your organization or community be better prepared for an emergency? Schedule a demo today.