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Top 3 Trends in Healthcare Communications Tech

Leading-edge high-tech firms and healthcare companies and facilities converged in the HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) conference this month in Orlando, Fla. The volume of representatives was remarkable: More than 50,000 people were estimated to attend on a show floor spanning millions of square-feet miles.

Despite the dizzying array of technological innovations and the healthcare industry’s wants and needs, there were a few clear insights for high-tech communications companies hoping to serve the healthcare market. Here are our Top 3 insights:

Technological advances in diagnosis and patient care have made stunning leaps in the last few years. Communication technology, within hospital systems however, has not. One quote we heard again and again: “They (doctors and care staff) don’t open their emails.” Or: “We’re not reaching people as fast as we want to reach them.” Clearly, finding tools that serves both care providers and the institutions as a whole is critical. Speed and efficiency are key.

Data privacy is a major concern. Hospitals, hospital systems, assisted living facilities, and more need to have a system that is both HIPAA compliant, and sensitive to patient privacy. The HIMSS is an international gathering of health providers and technology firms, and the regulations governing privacy worldwide vary. Institutions and agencies need to find a solutions provider that knows about their own country’s regulations.

It’s all about the patient. Increasing efficiency and decreasing waste is not about the bottom line: Our healthcare facilities recognize that the well-being and the lives of their patients are their No. 1 concern. One-on-one patient care was a major part of this conference, but to free up the time and ability to do more high-touch care, institutions need to streamline their emergency and day-to-day communications with staff and care providers. Weather emergency? Mass trauma alert? Medicare regulations change? Institutions need to have a way to communicate those, effectively, so staff can focus on what really matters most: their patients.

Our passion is solving problems: making sure care providers, staff and patients are informed and safe. Our platform is elegant and easy to use, and increases efficiency while decreasing costs. What communications problems do you have that we can help solve? Let’s chat. Schedule a custom demo with our team or give us a call.